Today my hair tiok cut....=.="....earring took out adi...but bleeding lor...Quite pain...but still ok....I very pek i reached home,i immediately went to hair saloon to cut my hair...I told the hairdresser:"Cut as short as u can".And she shocked...I said:"What?Nothing school disiplin teacher cut my hair until like this,cannot rescue le..."=.="...and then she ma cut lor...wakao...really very short,very nipis and super tambai..=.=''...Haiz.....Really soi...Cut until ears there a...walau e~~
But i terkutip Wang Xiao Gang's RM10 under my table...haha.....wahahahaha...cut my hair la...give me RM10 lor... I bought 2 cappucino珍珠奶茶.1 for me and another for Cecelia...And when i went up my school bus...I saw a ring..just a stainless steel ring...=.=''....Dont know today is bad day or lucky day leh hor??=.="